How This Indian-Origin Scientist Helped Australia To Fight COVID-19 By Testing Sewage Water
Since March last year, Sudhi Payyappat a Kerala-born microbiologist, settled in New South Wales has been involved in the unenvious job of testing wastewater from across the state to find traces of the COVID-19 virus.
COVID-19 is unlike anything that not many people who are alive today have experienced in their lifetime and even after a year, the world is still learning more every passing day about the virus and its effects.
Australia was one of the initial success stories that stood out globally and even now is one of the least affected globally.
A lot of the credit for this goes to an Indian-origin man.
Since March last year, Sudhi Payyappat a Kerala-born microbiologist, settled in New South Wales has been involved in the unenvious job of testing wastewater from across the state to find traces of the COVID-19 virus.
Payyappat who has been working with the state-owned Sydney Water came up with the idea to test sewage run-off to detect coronavirus fragments.
Payyappat, a technical specialist who has worked in research and development for Sydney Water for the past 20 years, was given the job of developing a Covid wastewater testing, a report by The Guardian said.
The idea behind this was that a person infected with coronavirus will start ¡®shedding¡¯ the virus within three-four days through his faeces. The ¡®shedding¡¯ can also occur while coughing, showering, sneezing or brushing one¡¯s teeth. Such virus fragments, travelling through toilets and sewer pipes, end up in sewage treatment plants.
Once traces of Covid are confirmed, Payyappat sends an email to NSW Health, which then checks if there are any confirmed cases of coronavirus for suburbs from that sample¡¯s catchment.
The biggest advantage of the testing of sewage, according to him is that authorities can tell if someone is infected in the community even before they start showing symptoms.