Just 30 Seconds Before Speeding Train Killed 60 In Amritsar, Another Passed By Silently
Hundreds had gathered at Joda Phatak for Dusshera celebrations and were standing on tracks for a better view of Raavan effigy going up in flames. Thirty seconds before the tragedy took place another train had passed by on a different track however slowly. The crowd could not hear the trains siren amidst the fireworks

Dusshera celebrations is Amritsar turned into a nightmare after a speeding train ran over 60 people who were celebrating on rail tracks. Hundreds had gathered at Joda Phatak for Dusshera celebrations and were standing on tracks for a better view of Raavan effigy going up in flames.
Thirty seconds before the tragedy took place, another train had passed by on a different track, however slowly.
The first train that started from the Amritsar railway station, about two kilometres from the accident site, was headed to Howrah in West Bengal. The second train, which was much faster, was headed from Jalandhar to its destination, Amritsar.
A mobile phone video, shot by one of the hundreds watching the celebrations from the tracks, shows the first train cross right before the Ravan effigy was lit.
Just a few seconds after fireworks went off, a section of the crowd retreated towards the tracks, where a large number of people were already standing to watch the celebrations.
The train coming from opposite direction rammed into the crowd. The crowd could not hear the train's siren amidst the fireworks.