Unique Pitru Paksha 2023: Ukrainian Woman Performs 'Pind Daan' For Those Who Died In Ukraine War
A war between two neighbours that has gone on for 1.5 years now, with many soldiers and civilians massacred. But in all this, an endearing sight - a Ukrainian woman performing pind daan at a temple in Gaya for the peace and salvation of the souls of all the soldiers and civilians who died in her country and Russia in the war between the two nations that began in February 2022.
A war between Russia and Ukraine has gone on for 1.5 years now, with thousands of soldiers and civilians massacred.
But in all this, an endearing sight - a Ukrainian woman performing 'pind daan' at a temple in Gaya for the peace and salvation of the souls of all the soldiers and civilians who died in her country and Russia in the war between the two nations that began in February 2022.
How did Yulia know about pind daan?
The Ukrainian woman, Yulia, told reporters: "This is the second time I have come to Gaya to perform pind daan. I had come here last year also for the salvation of my parents¡¯ souls during this period."
The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war must end, she said adding that she came here to spread the message of peace.
"Yulia is a firm believer of Sanatan Dharma and she has studied a lot about Gaya and the importance of performing pind daan here during Pitru Paksha," Loknath Gaur, an ISKCON preacher.
What is pind daan?
According to Hindu belief, pind daan is a ritual to offer homage to the departed soul.
Pind daan in Gaya and other places is an important Hindu ritual which is performed by the relatives of the person who left for the heavenly abode.
Hindu religious texts refer to pind as something that is in a circular form.
Therefore, during pind daan, relatives offer food made in circular-ball form to the departed soul.
It is believed by Hindus that those who perform the ritual in Gaya during 'Pitru Paksha', their ancestors are relieved from the cycle of birth and death and attain salvation.
What is 'Pitru Paksha' and When does it fall?
Pitru Paksha is a 16-day period in the Hindu calendar when Hindus pay homage to their ancestors (Pitrs), especially through food offerings.
This year, Pitru Paksha began on September 29 and will end on October 14, Saturday.
Pitru Paksha is marked by the rituals of Shradh and a restricted lifestyle. It is believed that during this period the rituals of Shradh helped the ancestors to attain moksha or salvation.
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