Black Lives Matter Protests Are Gaining Momentum All Over The World In The Wake Of George Floyd's Death
George Floyd was someone nobody knew about in life, but in death he has been able to spark a movement which is not just getting momentum in USA, but all over the world. Floyd was killed when a police officer used his knee to compress his neck while arresting him. The video went viral as the officer was white and Floyd was black. It added to the list when white officers had shown excessive force on black suspects. It was not the first death to occ...Read More

George Floyd was someone nobody knew about in life, but in death he has been able to spark a movement which is not just getting momentum in USA, but all over the world. Floyd was killed when a police officer used his knee to compress his neck while arresting him. The video went viral as the officer was white and Floyd was black. It added to the list when white officers had shown excessive force on black suspects. It was not the first death to occur in such a situation either.
This led to the protests all over the country and the term Black Lives Matter once again surfaced. The realisation that racism, bias and bigotry existed among officers of the law even now is something that the public could not tolerate. While most protests were peaceful, some places saw burning and looting as acts of violence surfaced. Even as Floyd's brother condemned the violence, President Donald Trump called on the National Guard and the Army into Washington. There were also reports that he hid in his bunker at one time, though he denies it.
Many officers showed solidarity with those protesting and went down on one knee to bow in apology for the loss of a life. It was really a heartfelt moment. Soon the ripples began to be felt not just in the States but all over the world.
Protests began in London, though some turned violent and at least 20 officers were hurt in the clash. Australia saw relatively peaceful protests as the world stood up in unison to protest the unlawful death of Floyd.
The officer in question is being charged with second degree murder and 3 other policemen are also going to have their day in court. The autopsy revealed neck compression to be the cause of death, confirming what the world already knew.
The world is in outrage over the incident. Social media is raging like fire as people wanty justice for Floyd. The world is uniting against this act of brutality. This is a good thing because injustice anywhere is injustice, it does not have to be on one's own soil to protest.