Washing Clothes Also Pollutes Environment, Due To Microfibre From Your Polyester Or Nylon Cloth
When it comes to plastic pollution, we immediately think of how we¡¯re dumping plastic packaging, straws, cigarettes, and the like. No one thinks of how much plastic might be getting into our water because of the clothes we wear. And it¡¯s a lot.
When it comes to plastic pollution, we immediately think of how we're dumping plastic packaging, straws, cigarettes, and the like.
No one thinks of how much plastic might be getting into our water because of the clothes we wear. And it's a lot.
Images courtesy: Reuters
A lot of our clothes are made from materials like polyester or nylon. The thing is, these have plastic embedded in them. And whenever we're laundering these clothes, that can get detached in the form of microfibres, which eventually is swept away with our washing water, to eventually reach the ocean.
Now, scientists at Newcastle University have been looking at this, in order to study just how much plastic is flooding into the ocean from our laundry. They ran tests with full-scale washing machines, the kind most people have at home, running them in various cycles.
The weird thing is, you'd expect the more vigorous churning of heavy wash cycles to detach more microfibres from the clothes, but that's not the case. In fact, it seems the water level during the wash is more important. That's why "delicate" wash cycles, usually used for fine material or underwear, which uses the highest water level, actually releases more microplastics.
On average, the researchers said, a delicate wash uses up to twice as much water as a standard cycle and releases about 800,000 more microfibres.
"Our findings were a surprise," said Prof Grant Burgess, a marine microbiologist leading the research. "You would expect delicate washes to protect clothes and lead to less microfibres being released, but our careful studies showed that in fact it was the opposite."
"If the water volume is high, the water will bash the clothes around more than if less water is used," Burgess said. "The water forces its way through the clothing and plucks fibres of polyester from the textiles.
There's a reason many environmentalists oppose the constant churn of "style seasons" in the fashion industry. The industry produces more than 42 million tonnes of synthetic fibre clothes every year. And fashion is what pushes people to abandon their old garments before their life end, and move on to new trends and styles.
And rarely do people (or brands with leftover stock) donate their clothing. Instead, they end up in garbage dumps and the like, adding to the plastic pollution. And now we know that even washing our regular clothes will release microplastics into the oceans, because most washing machines don't have the filters needed to catch these microfibres.
At the very least, some groups are making an effort to deal with all these clothes lying around, in a way that helps us achieve environmental goals.