This Diver Shows How Badly Plastic Is Polluting Our Oceans & Why We Should Not Use Any Plastic
When I said I wanted a beach vacation, this is not what I had in mind.
If I ask you to watch a video of a British diver swimming off the coast of Bali, you¡¯d probably expect blue waters and exotic fish right?
Well, you¡¯d be wrong. This is what you¡¯d get instead.
Richard Horner captured the footage of himself swimming through the mass of garbage in Manta Point last week, the famous diving site about 20 km from the island of Bali.
In a Facebook post along with the video, Horner talked about the horrifying spectacle. ¡°Plastic bags, plastic bottles, plastic cups, plastic sheets, plastic buckets, plastic sachets, plastic straws, plastic baskets, plastic bags, more plastic bags, plastic, plastic,¡± he said, ¡°So much plastic!¡±
The thing is Horner is actually used to plastic pollution in Bali. He¡¯s a resident of the island and it¡¯s not exactly a new problem. But even he said he¡¯d ¡°never seen anything on this scale.¡±
The island province sits smack dab in the middle of the Indonesian Throughflow, a current that flows from the Pacific into the Indian Ocean, through the straits of Indonesia. Because of that, plastic thrown into the ocean from Indonesia, the Phillipines, Malaysia, all of it could potentially end up in Bali.
Plastic pollution is hurting us
Supposedly, that plastic didn¡¯t even stick around in Bali. According to the BBC, Horner said he spoke to two divers that went out to Manta Point the next day, and saw no plastic at all. ¡°Sadly the plastic is continuing its journey, off into the Indian Ocean,¡± he added.
Scientists estimate there are about 5 trillion pieces of plastic in our oceans, and they¡¯re wreaking havoc on our environment and the creatures that inhabit it. And it¡¯s not just a problem for today, it¡¯s a problem for the next generation too. With 8.3 billion metric tonnes in seven decades, we are turning Earth into 'Plastic Planet'.
A foam plastic cup would take an estimated 50 years to degrade, a plastic cup holder 400 years, and a disposable diaper 450 years. Scientists say that by 2050 there could be more plastic than fish in the oceans by weight
All this plastic leaks persistent organic pollutants (POP) into the ocean and our marine life. These highly toxic carcinogens are ingested by plankton, fish, and ultimately humans, causing elevated cancer risk, immune disorders, and birth defects.
ALSO READ: Shame On All Of Us: Our Plastic Is Polluting Marine Life Found 36,000 Ft Below Ocean Surface