941 Days And Counting: Indian Nuclear Reactor Kaiga Sets World Record For Non-Stop Operation
Kaiga in Karnataka is home to four Indian-designed PHWRs Pressurized Heavy-Water Reactor A Kaiga reactor unit has set a new world record for 941 days of continuous operation of a PHWR. In a nuclear power reactor the energy released is used as heat to make steam to generate electricity.
In a nuclear power reactor, the energy released is used as heat to make steam to generate electricity. Kaiga, in Karnataka, is home to four Indian-designed PHWRs (Pressurized Heavy-Water Reactor). A Kaiga reactor unit has set a new world record for 941 days of continuous operation of a PHWR. The PHWR has been running non-stop since 13 May 2016.
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The previous record holder was unit 2 of the UK¡¯s plant, an advanced gas-cooled reactor (AGR) which completed its 940 days in service when it was taken down for some scheduled maintenance outage in September 2016.
"At 09:20 hours on December 10, 2018, Unit 1 of KGS [Kaiga Generating Station] achieved a world record feat in the continuous operation of nuclear power reactors by clocking 941 days of non-stop run establishing India as the frontrunner in continuous operation among all types of nuclear power reactors. In the course of the record-breaking run, Unit 1 of KGS plant operated with a capacity factor of 99.4%," a representative from India's Department of Atomic Energy said.
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Three of Nuclear Power Corporation of India¡¯s reactors, Kaiga 1 - which is still operational, Rajasthan unit 3 and 5 - have now achieved continuous operating runs for over two years now.