Muthu received the award and a prize including Rs 2 lakh and reimbursement of Rs 35,000 for making the first cot, from President Ram Nath Kovind on March 5. He has received more than 350 orders from across India since 2015 but he could deliver only one so far.
Tamil Nadu Labourer Makes Remote Control Bed For Bedridden Wife, Wins National Innovation Award
42-year-old S Saravana Muthu made the bed so his wife would be comfortable. He was even awarded the second prize by the National Innovation Foundation. The bed consists of a flush tank closet a linkage to the septic tank and an opening in the middle.
In a heartwarming gesture, a welding labourer from Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu made a remote controlled bed for his wife after she remained bedridden for two months. 42-year-old S Saravana Muthu, made the bed so his wife would be comfortable. He was even awarded the second prize by the National Innovation Foundation.
Muthu¡¯s wife underwent surgery and became bedridden. After seeing his wife struggle he decided to do something to help her and came up with the idea of a remote-controlled toilet bed.
¡°I understand the woes of bedridden patients and how they are dependent on others for almost everything. Even the caregivers often show signs of disgust while attending to them. More often than not, the privacy of the patients is affected in such cases. To maintain the dignity and independence of the patients, I decided to design the bed,¡± Muthu told the Times Of India.
Muthu has designed a bed that consists of a flush tank, closet, a linkage to the septic tank and an opening in the middle. The remote control consists of three buttons - one button is meant to open the base of the bed while the second one opens the closet. The third button is used to flush the toilet.
Muthu - third from the right/BCCL
Muthu even spoke to former President APJ Abdul Kalam a few months before his death. It was Kalam who guided him and asked him to apply for the National Innovation Foundation award.