Gujarat Police Caught On Video, Harassing Vendors & Toppling Their Carts With Vegetables
As soon as the nationwide lock down was announced, news of police brutality followed almost immediately. Incidents all around the country are proof that while there are a few police officials who are trying their best to maintain the lock down while following protocol, a lot of them are only making matters worse for the citizens and the government.
In a video that has now gone viral on social media, police officials in Ahmedabad can be seen violently hitting vendors' carts full of vegetables and going as far as topping them over. Anyone with even an iota of empathy and compassion will tear up at the sight of the vegetables spilling all over the streets.
The video was posted on Twitter by user @thisisjignesh and will make your blood boil with rage.
Ahmedabad police at work. Krishnanagar PI Vishnu Chaudhary along with other policemen are seen toppling vegetable-laden lorries. @dgpgujarat has instructed to suspend the policemen involved in this incident immediately.
¡ª Jignesh (@thisisjignesh) March 31, 2020
On one hand, millions of migrant workers and poor people are losing their lives due to starvation and on the other hand, the people who are supposed to protect us are wreaking havoc on the underprivileged. Vegetables are essentials and vendors can move around the city to sell their produce.
The poor vendors can be seen running away from the police officials while the officers run around toppling over every single cart they can get their hands on.
This video has enraged everyone in the country and soon enough people started demanding for the police officers involved to be suspended effective immediately.
This is plain criminal. Video seems current dated owing to the gloves. In the end we are wasting food. Not to mention the brutality of action.
¡ª Saurabh Gandhi (@isgsaurabh) March 31, 2020
This is quite simply a criminal act. Even if it¡¯s perpetrated by men in uniform
¡ª atul kasbekar (@atulkasbekar) March 31, 2020
The food is so very precious to so many more at this point that this reeks of a special level of insensitivity
Those guys must be made to pick up each pea that they threw. Made to clean everythin and cook it for the very people whose livelihoods they destroyed!
¡ª Shobbha (@Shobbha2) March 31, 2020
Indian police is to be feared and avoided.
¡ª Brandy Sahni (@BrandySahni) March 31, 2020
¡ª vijay (@atta_deep) March 31, 2020
What sadistic pleasure these police get from ruining the poor?
This is illegal. Is the police driving a lockdown only to show Modi's power?
They should be arrested.
Will suspending these cops do any good to those who lost their livelihood? these cops should be made to financially compensate the loss of these vegetables and fruit
¡ª Petrohead (@Petrohead1) March 31, 2020
Suspension is not enough, Somebody please starve them till they beg for food.
¡ª Muhammed Hafil (@muhammed__hafil) March 31, 2020
A police official's duty is to protect the citizens, not destroy their livelihoods. Thankfully, this did not go down well with the senior officials for obvious reasons and the police officers were suspended from duty.
This conduct can never be tolerated. @dgpgujarat instructed to suspend theses cops immediately. Further action will be taken after due enquiry .
¡ª Dr. Shamsher Singh IPS (@Shamsher_IPS) March 31, 2020
Such incidents need to be taken very seriously because when the protector becomes the attacker, who do you turn to?