'Hardworking' Dad Had Been Carrying Rs 255 Cr Winning Lottery Ticket In Wallet For 2 Days
A father from Sydney was carrying a Powerball ticket worth $50 million in his wallet for two long days. It all happened when he asked his son to check the numbers for him online and he WON. According to reports he plans to use the money from his winning ticket on early retirement and setting up the future of his loved ones.
Picture this: you have a million dollar lottery in your very own wallet and are completely oblivious about it. If it were me, I would scream for days together and probably never recover from the shock of having got so much moolah out of sheer luck.
This is exactly what happened to one 'hardworking' father from Sydney. He was carrying a Powerball ticket worth $50 million* (Australian dollar; Rs 255 crore, approx.) in his wallet for two long days.
It all happened when he asked his son to check the numbers for him online and he WON!
"It's just been in my wallet the whole time. I'm guarding this ticket with my life. I didn't scream at the news. I won't scream until I have it all in my hand!"
According to reports, he plans to use the money from his winning ticket--which he purchased at Broadarrow Newsagency in Narwee--on early retirement and setting up the future of his loved ones.
What a crazy lottery win!