Spider Viciously Attacks Man's Pet Fish, He Helplessly Watches As It's Dragged Out Of The Pond
J¨¦r¨¦my Schalkwijk snapped a picture of his pet goldfish being eaten alive by a spider. The spider was smaller compared to the goldfish but the predator managed to carry its considerably heavy prey out of the pond.
This is exactly why I hate spiders - these skin-crawling creatures (especially the giant ones) are monsters when they are hungry.
They can literally eat anything and everything that comes their way, even if it's bigger than them, like this scheming spider that literally decided to go fishing for its prey;
It was a moment of shock and absolute helplessness for J¨¦r¨¦my Schalkwijk, as he watched a spider preying on his pet goldfish.
Despite being in shock, Schalkwijk gathered to courage to snap a picture of his little goldfish being eaten alive by the creepy crawly. The spider was smaller compared to the goldfish, but the predator managed to carry its considerably heavy prey out of the pond.
He claims to have watched in awe as the arachnid lowered itself into the pool while clinging onto the edge, and then hauling its prey up with full conviction to devour it.
Spider carrying goldfish out of a pond pic.twitter.com/dkW5R99M0k
¡ª Mildly Interesting (@interestmild) January 2, 2020
J¨¦r¨¦my told to The Sun, "It was a crazy, crazy sight. You don't see that every day. I couldn't believe that a spider would be able to carry something twice its weight like that." He also estimated that the weight of the fish was twice the spider's.
J¨¦r¨¦my had invited his girlfriend to his place to make her meet his new pet, reports Daily Mail. But he was horrified to see a spider attacking the fish with its fangs. He ran inside to call his girlfriend out to watch the rare incident, but both the animals had vanished before they got back to the pond.