Bad Girl, a Tamil film presented by Vetrimaaran and Anurag Kashyap, is set to premiere at the International Film Festival Rotterdam on January 31. Its teaser was launched on Sunday, January 26, in Chennai and it has become the talk of the town in no time with celebrities and fans giving it the thumbs up. However, the teaser has also landed in controversy with a filmmaker accusing the team of ¡®misrepresenting¡¯ Brahmins.?
The teaser of Anurag Kashyap¡¯s Bad Girl, which was launched a couple of days ago, has taken social media by storm. Dhanush, one of Kollywood¡¯s biggest stars. Took to X (formerly known as Twitter) to laud the video and said that ¡®great things are waiting¡¯ for the team.?
?Similarly, Pa Ranjith¨C best known for his work on Kabali and Kaala¨C called the film a ¡®bold and refreshing¡¯ attempt at storytelling.?
?Some fans lauded the teaser, stating that they are eager to watch the film.?
Bad Girl is expected to have a theatrical release after it premieres at the? International Film Festival Rotterdam.?
The teaser of Bad Girl impressed many movie buffs. However, some took offense to it over its depiction of a Brahmins. Director Mohan G Kshatriyan, best known for his work on Draupathi and Bakasuran, slammed Vetrimaaran and Anurag Kashyap and challenged them to make such a film about girls from their caste.?
Some netizens too agreed with Mohan G.?
Bad Girl is a coming-of-age drama, directed by Varsha Bharath. It features Anjali Sivaraman as a youngster who is shamed for getting intimate with her boyfriend. The story centres on her battles with norms and strict parents. The cast includes Shanthi Priya, Saranya Ravichandran, Hridhu Haroon and TeeJay Arunasalam. Amit Trivedi serves as the music composer.?
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