After its successful theatrical run, the movie "Akelli," starring Nushrratt Bharuccha, is now available for streaming. Directed by Pranay Meshram, this film has moved from cinemas to an OTT platform.?"Akelli" is a survival thriller that tells the gripping tale of Jyoti, a woman living and working secretly in a cloth factory in Mosul, Iraq, far from her family in India, who believe she resides in Muscat, Oman. Her life takes a dramatic turn when terrorists storm the city and capture her and several others. The film follows her harrowing journey to survive and escape.
Akelli is made available online starting today, May 3, 2024.
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?Akelli is streaming on Jio Cinema.
Jio Cinema announced the OTT release via their Instagram, describing the movie as an epic survival story and urging viewers to witness Jyoti¡¯s battle for life. The platform released the movie along with an intriguing trailer, which captures the intense essence of Jyoti's fight.
"Akelli" also stars Tsahi Halevi and includes a cast of talented actors such as Amir Boutrous and Piloo Vidyarthi. It is produced by Aparna Padgaonkar and Shashant Shah under the banner of Dashami Studioz.
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Actress Nushrratt has been appreciated for her ability to bring depth to her roles, often playing strong, independent women. Her breakthrough came with the 2011 film "Pyaar Ka Punchnama," directed by Luv Ranjan, in which she played the role of Neha, a manipulative girlfriend. The film was a sleeper hit, and her performance was noted for its charm and effectiveness in portraying a complex character. She continued to collaborate with Luv Ranjan on successful projects like "Pyaar Ka Punchnama 2" (2015) and "Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety" (2018), the latter of which was a major commercial success and increased her recognition significantly.
Apart from these, she has appeared in several other films, including "Akaash Vani" (2013), where she received critical praise for her performance as a woman trapped in an abusive marriage, and "Dream Girl" (2019), where she starred opposite Ayushmann Khurrana. In "Chhalaang" (2020), she took on the role of a computer teacher in a small-town school, showcasing her versatility as an actress.
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Throughout her career, Nushrratt Bharuccha has also been active on various social media platforms and is known for her fashion sense and style, making her a popular figure among fans.
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