The Indian Telugu-language romantic comedy film Bhale Unnade is releasing soon on OTT. The OTT release date for the film has been fixed to October 3 by OTT platform ETV Win. As per media reports, ETV Win has acquired the digital rights for this film for a small amount of money. Here is the trailer clip for the film and everything about its plot, cast, and crew:?
Bhale Unnade hit theatres on September 13 but failed to impress audiences and even did not get good numbers at the box office. The rom-com is said to be about a weird person named Radha who dislikes touching or getting physical with any woman.
The story progresses when Radha gets into a relationship with Krishna, who is his crush and also his co-worker. Radha's life takes a drastic turn when his refusal to touch Krishna bothers her and compels her to reconsider her choice.
What is different in the story?
In this movie, actor Raj Tarun can be seen in a unique role that is different from his usual action-packed characters. There are also emotional scenes with some impactful performances by the actors.
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Actor VTV Ganesh and Hyper AdiĄ¯s comedy scenes too add value to the entertainment.
Bhale Unnade features actors like Raj Tarun, Manisha Kandkur, Singeetham Srinivasrao, Abhirami Gopikumar, and VTV Ganesh, among others. The movie has been directed by Sivasai Vardhan. The romantic cimedy is produced by N.V. Kiran Kumar under the banner of Ravi Kiran Production.
Music for the Telugu film has been directed by Shekar Chandra. Nagesh Banell is the person behind the movie's cinematography. Editing for the film has been done by?Srikanth Patnaik.?
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