OTT platform ETV Win is all set to release Telugu film Life Stories. The platform has acquired the rights for the Deviyani Sharma drama and will make it available starting from November 7. Below are all the details related to its trailer, OTT debut, plot, and more:
The trailer shared earlier by the makers and ETV Win on social media platforms looks promising. Let's see what Life Stories as a film has to offer to the OTT audiences now.?
Life stories consist of six different stories. The first of all the stories is about a cab driver struggling with financial conditions. The second in line is about two friends who reconnect at a party.
The third story in the line revolves around an elderly woman who finds a dog on the road. The next story after the third one will talk about a couple trying hard to make their relationship work.?
There is also one story that features Deviyani Sharma and her son. The story is about tensions between the mother and son.?
The film has been directed by Ujjwal Kashyap. The film is said to have impressive visuals and decent production values.
The cast of the film primarily features newcomers. The actors involved in the film are Shalini Kondepudi, Satya Kethineedi, Deviyani Sharma, M. Vivan Jain, Sarath Susarla, Swarna Deborah, and Rahul Lakshmi Sunkara, Raju Gollapalli, Pradeep Raparthi, and Gazal Sharma in crucial roles.?Life Stories has been produced by ACZUN Entertainment and Planet Green Studios.
Music for the movie has been given by Vinnu, with cinematography done by Pranav Ananda.?Vijay and Ujjwal, as a team, worked on the screenplay of Life Stories.?