The Indian Telugu-language movie Devara Part 1 has been spreading its magic to theatre audiences ever since it got released. The film is doing well in terms of its box office collection even when it has entered its third week of theatrical run. The film made on a big budget has already earned over Rs 350 crore, making it one of the highest-earning movies in the country this year. After all the theatrical success, the film is now all set to impress the OTT viewers. According to many media reports, OTT giant Netflix has acquired its digital rights, and the platform will start streaming the film on November 9. But there is no official confirmation on the date, so fans have to wait until any official announcement comes.?
Fans of the lead actor in the film, Jr. NTR, are now keenly looking forward to enjoying it with the comfort of their homes on the digital screens.
Devara is all about a brave king who would do anything to protect his people and his kingdom. How he? deals with challenges coming in his way while preparing his son Veda to become capable enough of succeeding his throne in the future is what the film is all about.
Other than Jr. NTR, Devara stars Janhvi Kapoor, Saif Ali Khan, Zarina Wahab, Srikanth, Prakash Raj, Shine Tom Chacko, Narain, Kalaiyarasan, Shruti Marathe, and Talluri Rameswari in crucial roles.
The film has been directed by Koratala SivaIt and is produced by Nandamuri Kalyan Ram, Sudhakar Mikkilineni, and Kosaraju Harikrishna. It has been made under the banner of N. T. R. Arts and Yuvasudha Arts.
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