Fans of Alia Bhatt, celebrate! With the recently released trailer for Heart Of Stone, the Bollywood starlet is prepared to make her Hollywood debut. The trailer, which also stars Jamie Dornan and Gal Gadot, was unveiled on Sunday as part of the Netflix TUDUM event in Brazil. Gal Gadot is trying to save the world in the spy thriller. She portrays Rachel Stone, a member of the Charter, a covert organisation.
One wrote, ¡°People commenting she is hardly seen, yes because she is not playing the lead role. But an important part in the movie, imagine working with well known hollywood actors in your first Hollywood movie. This is just the beginning for her. Congratulations Alia.¡±
A second added, ¡°I just hope they didn't use alia just to get Indian audience because they always do this recently it happened with dhanush also fingers crossed.¡±
A third wrote, ¡°You shot this film while being pregnant. Such a hardworking actress! We all need to appreciate this. More power to you Queen Bee.¡±
Speaking about the same, Alia told Mid-Day, "Woh toh hoga hi (That will happen).¡± The actor said that she¡¯s not worried about it ¡°because I feel at the end of the day you have to get a sense of what the story is about and how the story leads you to the final film. That¡¯s all that matters.¡±
Gal gushed over Alia during the Tudum event in Brazil. Gal stated to Mid-day that she had seen Alia's movie RRR, which also starred Ram Charan and Jr. NTR. She added that Alia was the "perfect choice" for Heart of Stone.?
She said, "I was a big fan of Alia from before. I'd seen RRR and we were looking for someone fresh, with the ability to portray layered characters, and who could look beautiful as well. Alia was the perfect choice."
Film¡¯s synopsis reads, ¡°Rachel Stone is an intelligence operative, the only woman who stands between her powerful global peacekeeping organization and the loss of its most valuable -- and dangerous -- asset.¡±
On August 11, Netflix will debut the action movie. Animal, starring Alia's actor husband Ranbir, will be released in theatres on the same day.