Filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt commented on his daughter Alia Bhatt's debut performance in Heart of Stone. Mahesh stated in a recent interview that he is proud of Alia for working on a movie with stars like Jamie Dornan and Gal Gadot. He also remembered a day when he had questioned Alia about what Hollywood had that Bollywood did not.
?Tom Harper's Heart of Stone movie premiered its debut trailer during the Tudum event in Brazil.
?Speaking with Times of India, Mahesh said, "My heart soars with pride when I see her standing with the who's who of international players like Gal Gadot and Jamie Dornan. To stand there without being pygmied by the idea that it is Hollywood, the young of today don't feel slighted or lesser in any way when it comes to international talent."
He also added, "I once remember asking her, 'What is it that they have that we don't have? And her straight reply was 'Money'. She said it with great humility. She also said that they have a way of doing things and they are very professional but they have money, otherwise we have it all. I think that confidence is very important for the nation."
Also read:?Gal Gadot Calls Herself Alia Bhatt¡¯s Fan After Highly Anticipated Heart Of Stone Trailer Release
Talking about the limited screen time in the trailer, Alia Bhatt told Mid- Day, "Woh toh hoga hi (That will happen).¡± The actor said that she¡¯s not worried about it ¡°because I feel at the end of the day you have to get a sense of what the story is about and how the story leads you to the final film. That¡¯s all that matters.¡±
Starring onscreen Wonder Woman Gal Gadot, Jamie Dornan, Sophie Okonedo, Jing Lusi, Matthias Schweigh?fe, Jon Kortajarena, and Paul Ready among others, Heart of Stone will showcase Alia Bhatt in a never-seen-before avatar.?
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