The crime documentary titled In Cold Water: The Shelter Bay Mystery is all set to be released online. Based on true events, the documentary will be available on OTT platform Prime Video starting November 12. Below the given video is the trailer for the miniseries and more details about its plot, cast, and crew:?
Cold Water: The Shelter Bay Mystery is based on real-life incidents. The miniseries is about a Canadian teacher whose name is Laura Letts Beckett. The show talks about how the teacher died and how her death resulted in outrage in the city. Wondering why there was outrage? As per media reports, the teacher died in front of her husband, but her death triggered many unsolved questions, like did she die a natural death or was it a murder??
The documentary also throws light on many unanswered questions and possibilities that could lead to her death and also on the one and only witness of her death, which is her husband.
All about the real-life story that inspired this documentary:
The real incident took place in 2008 when the Canadian teacher went on a fishing trip with her husband Peter. At the time when the couple was fishing, Laura fell into the lake and drowned. Laura's husband Peter was the only witness to her drowning. Peter was an ex-councillor of the New Zealand city.?
The case was in the news as there were speculations that Laura¡¯s death could be a pre-planned murder.
Upon investigation, Peter never admitted anything about the incident being a murder and said he had no intentions to kill his wife. A secret investigation was also launched after Peter's questioning.
The upcoming crime documentary has different versions of the family members, friends, and neighbours who were in any way linked with Laura. The Prime Video series has been directed by Trish Neufeld.