The Indian Tamil language movie Pechi is all set to release on OTT. The movie, starring actors like Gayathrie Shankar and Bala Saravanan in crucial roles, will make its OTT debut on streaming platforms Aha and Prime Video starting September 20. The movie released in August at the theatres but did not really perform well at the box office and was also not able to impress audiences with its horror story. Here is the trailer and other details on the movie that you need to know before its OTT debut:?
The Tamil horror movie Pechi is inspired by a short movie by late filmmaker Balu Mahendra. The movie's story is all about age-old practices like black magic.?
In the trailer clip shared earlier, a couple is shown living happily until they set up camp in Aranmanaikaadu, Kollimalai, and the husband gets out to gather firewood. While searching for it, Ram comes across a Trishul near a big tree and tries to chop a branch out of it. After so many efforts, he did not get the branch but succeeded later. The story progresses as the couple starts experiencing odds after the whole camping incident.?
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Pechi has been written and directed by Ramachandran B. The Tamil movie's music has been composed by Rajesh Murugesan. The cinematography of the movie has been done by Parthiban, and editing is handled by Ignatious Aswin. Production design is given by Kumar Gangappan.
The production companies under which the film has been made are Veyilon Entertainment and? Verus Productions.
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