The Australian television comedy show Laid that first aired in February 2011 on ABC1 is now all set to entertain the OTT audiences. Laid was renewed for a second series in 2012. Now the show is all set to make its OTT debut via the platform Jio Cinema on December 19. Here's all about its OTT release, plot, cast, and more:
Jio Cinema has shared the trailer clip for the show recently. The clip starts with a woman who works in the marketing department and soon discovers shocking news about her exes. The video shows that as she still tries to digest the shocking news, she again receives messages on her phone about the death of another boyfriend. What is the confusion, and is there any common link between the deaths? This is what the show is all about, where the woman in the lead role tries to find out the truth behind these deaths.
The show's storyline revolves around the life of a market researcher who finds out that all her lovers are dying in mysterious circumstances. The woman in the main role gets shocked as she discovers how all her ex-boyfriends are dying. As the show progresses, the lady in question decides to save the rest of her exes.
The woman soon realises that she must come to terms with her past to save the lives of the rest of her boyfriends.
The upcoming show will have 8 episodes. The show will feature Stephanie Hsu in a crucial role. She is an Academy Award-winning actress and has delivered some amazing performances on the screen. The show also has Zosia Mamet.?