The Indian Telugu-language web show Leela Vinodama is all set to be released on OTT this month. The show has been directed by debutant Pawan Kumar Sunkara. One of the main characters in the show has been played by Shanmukh Jaswanth, who gained fame with series like Surya and Software Developer. At the time when the actor was in Bigg Boss, he created buzz all over the internet and also faced criticism for his relationship with Siri and a drunk driving controversy.?
The show was announced on Valentine's Day this year and generated interest from the audiences all over the internet. Initially the web series was scheduled to release online on October 3, but the date got postponed twice. The makers behind the show have now announced that Leela Vinodam will be out on OTT ETV Win starting December 19.
Other than Shanmukh Jaswanth, this upcoming Telugu show has Anagha Ajith in a lead role. The show mostly has fresh faces in main roles.The show has been produced by Sridhar Marisa and has been made under the banner of Sri Akkiyan Arts.?
The series is said to be a romantic drama with a modest budget. As informed earlier, director Pawan Kumar Sunkara has marked his debut with this show.
The Telugu web series will revolve around the dynamics of friendship, love, and aspirations. A recently shared poster shows a group of friends posing with cricket bats. Shanmukh has also given his inputs in the show's script, describing it as his best work as an actor.
The team behind the web show has kickstarted promotional activities in advance and aims to spotlight the show¡¯s unique content. More character posters and teasers are expected to be released in the coming weeks to build excitement among the fans.