The Indian-Malayalam movie Pallotty 90's Kids is all set to release on OTT. As per media reports, the movie will be available on the OTT platform Manorama Max starting December 18, 2024. Here is the trailer and all the details that you need to know about Pallotty 90's Kids before its OTT release:?
Wondering what the basic plot of the Malayalam movie is? Though nothing much is out about the movie's storyline, it is said to be set in the evocative 1990s. The movie revolves around the touching story of two inseparable friends, Kannan and Unni.?
Pallotty 90¡¯s Kids has been directed by Jithin Raj. The movie stars Davinchi Santhosh in a crucial role. Other than Davinchi, the movie has actors like Dinesh Prabhakar, Neeraj Krishna, Arjun Ashokan, Adish Praveen, Saiju Kurup, Niranjana Anoop, Balu Varghese, Sudhi Koppa, and Davinchi, among others.
Cinematography for the film has been done by Sharon Sreenivas. The film has been edited by Rohit V.S. Variyath. Music for the film has been given by Manikandan Ayyappa. The screenplay for the movie has been handled by Deepak Vasan.?
The movie has been produced by Sajid Yahiya. It has been made under the Cinema Pranthan Productions banner.?The film was released in October this year and earned widespread acclaim from the theatre audiences.?
Pallotty 90's Kids has won the 53rd Kerala State Film Awards for Best Children's Film, Best Child Artist, and Best Singer. Runtime for the film is 126 minutes.?
Excited about the Malayalam movie Pallotty 90's Kids coming soon on Manorama Max? Stay tuned for more such updates.