Mahesh Bhatt supported his daughter Pooja Bhatt while visiting the Bigg Boss OTT 2 home a few days ago. He was observed complimenting Pooja and interacting with the other housemates. The director was criticized for his peculiar meeting with Bebika Dhurve and Manisha Rani in addition to this. He received criticism online for being 'too touchy' and strange.?
After being questioned about it, Pooja responded with her thoughts and clarifications days after coming out of the BB house.
The person wrote, ¡°our father is telling tales of stark naked parveen Bobby ran after him in dark night. To please his ego. Are you sure Mahesh Bhatt never used your body to satisfy his ego. What an irony ohh God. People can use someone's innocent feelings to please their egos and mights. And then move freely around calling themselves sons of God.¡±
Pooja Bhatt's reply to a person calling out Mahesh Creepy Bhatt! ?
by u/vishaw_kalra in BollyBlindsNGossip
Reacting to this, she wrote, ¡°@ishatirajat May God bless you and rescue you from the blind hate that you choose to spew. Wish you the best.¡±
Reacting to this a Reddit user wrote, ¡°She is also very off and weird. I just never felt healthy vibe from her and hated her presence in Chup. Also she ruined Ranvir Shorey's life.¡±
Another added, "Mahesh Creepy Bhatt is really creepy. The way his hands rub on people, it can really make one feel disgusted.¡±
A third pointed out how the internet user also should not have made such a comment, ¡°I don't know... I feel NOBODY deserves the kind of horrific comments and rape threats the youtuber fandom is putting in her comments..¡±
So if you are unaware of what the commenter was referring to, here¡¯s what it is about.
When once madly in love Parveen Babi ran naked behind then-boyfriend Mahesh Bhatt
by u/IleanaKaGaram_Peshab in BollyBlindsNGossip
Parveen was a leading girl in Hindi film cinema when Mahesh and she fell in love. Parveen was allegedly troubled by a mental condition while the two were dating, which Mahesh revealed in several interviews. In order to be with Parveen, the filmmaker abandoned his wife and daughter Pooja Bhatt. However, when rumors surfaced that Parveen was dating her co-star Amitabh Bachchan, tensions between the two became tense. When Mahesh attempted to walk out of Parveen's life at that time and was observed leaving her home, the actress ran stark naked in his direction to stop him. Mahesh talked about the incident in an interview.
(To?read more such stories related to movies and shows released on OTTs, keep reading?Indiatimes BINGE)