The Bollywood industry woke up to a shocking incident on Thursday, as actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked by an intruder at his residence in Bandra, Mumbai. The incident has sent shockwaves across social media and the Bollywood fraternity. As soon as the news surfaced on the internet, actress Pooja Bhatt took to her social media to call out the 'lawlessness' in the city and demanded more police personnel force in the Bandra region.?
The post shared by Pooja Bhatt on X (formerly called Twitter) demanded more action and alertness by the Mumbai police. Bhatt also tagged the Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, Deputy CM Eknath Shinde, Ajit Pawar, and Ashish Shelar to draw their attention to the matter.?
Pointing out the matter, Pooja Bhatt said, 'Can this lawlessness be curbed?' and urged for more police presence in Bandra. Further, the actor also noted that the city, the queen of the suburbs, has never been like this before: "I have never felt so unsafe before (sic)," she wrote.?
Further, Bhatt also posted a few more tweets, highlighting that local police are our first preventers/grassroots defenders, but it is law enforcement's duty to build an environment where people with a criminal background do not feel comfortable functioning.?
The Beat officer must act on this to prevent such criminal activities further. Bhatt continued to write, tagging the Mumbai police.?
After Pooja Bhatt's post surfaced, a statement from the All India Cine Workers' Association came up, demanding a thorough investigation into Saif Ali Khan's attack incident.?
The statement said that the shocking attack on the actor, which followed an alleged robbery attempt at his residence, has created a sense of fear in the industry. Most importantly, the incident comes shortly after the tragic death of Baba Siddiqui.?
The statement mentioned that AICWA strongly demands a thorough investigation into the attack.
Not only Pooja Bhatt but the overall entertainment industry and fans of Saif Ali Khan are stunned. The actor's Devara co-star Jr NTR expressed his shock over the incident and wished for Saif's good health.?
On the other hand, NCP (SP) leader Supriya Sule also expressed her concerns over the attack on the Bollywood star. Sharing a post she wrote, 'Attack on Saif Worrisome, she wished for Khan's safe recovery.?
Apart from this, former Delhi CM and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Chief, Arvind Kejriwal, also expressed shock at the incident. Sharing a post he wrote, ¡°Shocked to hear about the attack on Saif Ali Khan. Wishing him a speedy recovery and strength to his family during this difficult time.
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