Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, on January 16, survived a major attack at his Bandra residence by an intruder during an attempt of burglary. The actor sustained a total of six wounds, out of which two injuries were deep; however, he is out of danger now and is recovering after undergoing multiple surgeries. Amid all this, a team of Mumbai police is investigating the case and is likely to recreate the crime scene.?
According to reports, the accused involved in the high-profile case is a 30-year-old Bangladeshi man. The man was arrested in the morning on the day after the incident took place near Thane city.?
After this, a court in Mumbai remanded the man, Shariful Islam Shehzad Mohammad Rohilla Amin Fakir, who was in police custody for five days.
A report by the ToI revealed that the police will likely take Shehzad to Saif Ali Khan's home in Bandra during the five days of his remand to recreate the crime scene, which is a part of their investigation.?
According to a police official statement, the accused sneaked into the actor's apartment in the early hours of January 16 with the intention of theft.?
The preliminary reports of the investigation suggest that the man climbed the stairs to the seventh-eighth floor of the building where Saif Ali Khan stays.?
The accused then entered the duct area, climbed to the 12th floor using a pipe, and entered the actor's flat via the bathroom window. This was when he came out from the bathroom, Saif Ali Khan spotted him, which then led to a chain of events that culminated in the knife attack, the police officials explained earlier.?
A statement released by the police noted that several investigating teams were created to investigate the crime scene, and the case has been registered under sections 311, 312, 331 (4), 331 (6), and 331 (7) of the Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita (BNS).?
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