Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was allegedly stabbed four times by an intruder who broke into the actor's house in Mumbai in the early hours of Thursday. The incident has sent shockwaves across the internet; however, the actor is undergoing treatment at Mumbai's Lilavati Hospital. Amid all of this, a statement has been issued by Saif Ali Khan, addressing the attack.?
In an official statement, the actor confirmed that there was an attempt at burglary at his residence and that he is currently undergoing surgery. In the statement, he also requested the media and fans to begin.
In the statement he also requested the media and fans to be patient; it is a police matter, and they will keep updated on the situation.?The incident took place around 2:30 am on Thursday when an intruder tried to break into the actor's house, and the confirmation came shortly after the news broke on ANI. The same report noted that Saif Ali Khan had sustained some injuries after an intruder broke into his Bandra residence.?
Following the investigation into the matter, Mumbai Police said in a statement to ANI that an unknown person entered the actor's house and argued with his maid late last night. When the actor tried to intervene in the matter, he suddenly attacked Said Ali Khan and injured him. However, the police are investigating the matter.?
While on the other hand, there are also reports that claimed that the actor sustained his injuries with a sharp object, reported PTI. The report revealed that the actor was stabbed with a knife.?
However, an FIR has been registered against the attacker while the Mumbai crime branch has also begun its investigation in parallel.?
Meanwhile, an official statement has been issued by Kareena Kapoor's team regarding Saif Ali Khan's injuries. The statement mentioned that a robbery attempt occurred at Saif and Kareena's Mumbai residence on Thursday. Additionally, it said that the actor had an injury on his arm and is undergoing surgery. However, the family is doing fine.?
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