Actor Saif Ali Khan was discharged from Lilavati Hospital on Tuesday, days after he was attacked by an intruder during an attempt at burglary at his Bandra apartment on January 16, 2025. When the actor returned home from the hospital on Tuesday, the visuals of the actor perfectly walking started making rounds on the internet as netizens wondered about the actor's quick recovery.?
During the early hours of January 16, the actor was admitted to the hospital, where he underwent multiple surgeries. Saif Ali Khan, during the attack, survived six wounds, of which two were deep wounds, which required a series of surgeries.?
Additionally, he had suffered thoracic spinal cord injuries, with a knife lodged in his spine with leaking spinal fluid. After undergoing serious injuries and surgeries, how did Saif Ali Khan recover so quickly??
Dr. Sudhir Kumar, MD DM, Neurologist, Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad, took to his X (formerly called Twitter) to share that if people are surprised to see actor Saif Ali Khan recover so quickly after suffering serious injuries, then you shouldn't be.?
According to Dr. Kumar, stab injuries fortunately spared the spinal cord and nerves, and therefore, the actor did not suffer from weakness in his legs. ¡°Saif Ali Khan's quick recovery from such grave stab injuries is awe-inspiring. Stab injuries, especially the ones caused very close to the vital areas, for example, the spinal cord, can be fatal. However, in Saif's case, those injuries spared these crucial components, increasing his probability of survival, explains Dr.Shrey Srivastava, Senior Consultant-Internal Medicine, Sharda Hospital.?
This critical factor underlines the major importance of timely medical intervention and a proper environment.?
The recovery rates in these types of wound cases ultimately correlate to the degree of injury sustained, the organs that were affected by it, and when the treatment was first administered. Dr. Srivastava says, ¡°Recovery is rapid with efficient and timely medical management, along with complete rest and physiotherapy, provided the major structures such as the spinal cord and major nerves are spared during injury. For more superficial injuries, the time for healing is about 6-8 weeks.¡±
Deeper injuries generally require a longer period and rehabilitative therapy for full recovery. Saif's recovery has certainly been speedy and shows their fighting spirit and the care of a highly congenial group of doctors looking after him.
Dr Kumar in the X post also mentioned that actor Saif Ali Khan is known to do regular workouts, and recovery from an illness or after an operation is more rapid and more complete in a physically fit person.
Many beginning exercisers make slow progress, but as they adapt to their routines, they will accelerate to higher growth rates. Dr. Bhumesh Tyagi, Senior Consultant-Internal Medicine, at Sharda Hospital, says, ¡°Recovery is faster and more complete in a fit person than it is in one who does not habitually exercise. There is an advantage for the person who exercises regularly through a combined circulatory system and muscle strength by aiding in recovery. Besides, healing attention heals very well in a person with good circulation.¡±
As your recovery progresses, you'll feel better about yourself. Regular exercise produces numerous physiological responses; one of them is an increase in endorphins, which helps relieve stress and build a positive frame of mind while recovering.?
¡°Although rest is important for a smooth recovery, gentle movement, or activities approved by a physician, recuperation after surgery can prevent adverse side effects, such as blood clot formation and stiffness,¡± adds Dr. Tyagi.?
In short, fitness before surgery is a great gift for a faster, smoother, and more complete recovery.
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