Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked by an unidentified intruder at his Mumbai residence following a burglary attempt. He was immediately admitted to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai, where he is currently undergoing surgery. The actor's team has released an official statement confirming the incident. The news has left fans and the entertainment industry in shock, sparking a flurry of reactions online. While some messages have been supportive and concerned, others have been criticised for their insensitivity.
Here are some reactions:
Unsafe ali khan
byu/Dullarweeeeb inindiameme
According to several news outlets, actor Saif Ali Khan was rushed to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai around 3:30 AM.?
Reports indicate that the 54-year-old actor was attacked at his home by an unknown individual, with the incident being suspected as a robbery attempt.?
The assault occurred around 2:30 AM, while Khan, his wife Kareena Kapoor Khan, and other family members were asleep.
Mumbai police have suggested that the intruder tried to steal from the residence, and during a confrontation, Khan was attacked with a sharp object. The scuffle resulted in six injuries, two of which were particularly deep.
Deputy Commissioner of Police, Dixit Gedam, confirmed the attack, stating, "An unidentified person intruded the residence of actor Saif Ali Khan. The actor and the intruder had a scuffle. The actor is injured and is being treated. Investigation is going on."
The Bandra police have launched an investigation and are filing a case in connection with the event. As of now, the thief is still on the run, while authorities are examining CCTV footage at Khan's residence.
Meanwhile, the actor's team has released a statement requesting privacy, "There was an attempted burglary at Mr Saif Ali Khan¡¯s residence. He is currently in hospital undergoing a surgery. We request the media and fans to be patient. It is a police matter. We will keep you updated on the situation."
Dr. Niraj Uttamani, COO of Lilavati Hospital, shared that Khan sustained six stab wounds, including two deep ones. One of the deeper wounds is reportedly near his spine.
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