The Mumbai Police have apprehended the suspect who attacked Saif Ali Khan at his residence in Bandra West. The accused, identified as Vijay Das, was arrested on late Saturday and has confessed to committing the crime. According to the police, Das was caught after a thorough investigation, which included scanning CCTV footage and tracking his movements across the city. Saif, who was stabbed multiple times on Thursday, is currently recovering in the hospital and is said to be out of danger.
Mumbai police have arrested the man who stabbed Saif Ali Khan multiple times at his Bandra residence in Mumbai in the early hours of Thursday. The accused was caught near the Hiranandani Estate in Kasarvadavali, approximately 35 kilometres from the crime scene.?
The arrest resulted from a joint operation conducted by DCP Zone-6 Navnath Dhavale's team and the Kasarvadavali police, who located the suspect at a labour camp near a metro construction site in Thane West.?
According to the news agency IANS, Mumbai Police also confirmed that Das was a waiter at a restaurant. During the investigation, the police discovered that the accused had used multiple aliases, including Bijoy Das and Mohammed Iliyas. He was previously honoured as the 'best employee' at the restaurant he worked at but left the job under unknown circumstances.
The shocking incident occurred at Saif Ali Khan's residence on Thursday, between 2 am and 2:30 am. According to multiple reports, an individual allegedly entered the 11th-floor apartment of the actor's house in the Satguru?Sharan building complex in Bandra, injured the family's nanny, and then attacked him with a knife, causing multiple injuries.?
Following the incident, Saif was taken to the Lilavati hospital by his family, where he received medical attention for his injuries. He underwent surgery and, according to senior doctors, is currently in a stable condition and out of danger.
Meanwhile, on Friday, it was reported that the Mumbai police have detained an individual in connection with the case, bringing him in for questioning at the Bandra police station. However, after a five-hour interrogation, police released him after concluding he had no connection with the case. According to police sources, the man was initially picked up due to his resemblance to the suspect captured on CCTV footage at the actor's house and his history of minor mischiefs.?
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