The glamorous life of Bollywood took a shocking turn when news broke of an attempted robbery at Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan¡¯s Bandra residence. Saif sustained multiple stab wounds while confronting the intruder, leaving fans and the film industry shaken. Amid the chaos, Kareena Kapoor Khan has now been spotted outside their home, and her visibly tense demeanor is making headlines.
In a now-viral video, Kareena is seen dressed in a casual pink T-shirt, wide-legged white trousers, and slippers¡ªa far cry from her usual red-carpet avatars. The footage captures her engaging with the household staff, who appear to be emotionally recounting the harrowing details of the night¡¯s events. Kareena, maintaining her composure, listens intently before walking around the premises, interacting with staff members and surveying the scene.
According to Mumbai Police, Kareena was home with her children, Taimur (8) and Jeh (4), at the time of the incident, which occurred around 4 AM on Thursday. The actress had earlier shared pictures from a girls¡¯ night out with Karisma Kapoor, Sonam Kapoor, and Rhea Kapoor, but reports now confirm she was present at the house during the attempted robbery.
Saif Ali Khan was rushed to Lilavati Hospital at 3:30 AM after sustaining multiple stab wounds, including injuries close to his spine. Doctors have stated that Saif is undergoing surgery and remains under close medical observation.
A member of Kareena¡¯s team has assured fans that while the situation is deeply distressing, Kareena and her children are safe. "There was an attempted burglary at Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan¡¯s residence. Saif sustained injuries and is currently undergoing a procedure. The rest of the family is fine," the statement read.
This shocking incident has ignited conversations about the safety of celebrities, with fans expressing concern over how such a break-in could occur in one of Mumbai¡¯s most secure neighborhoods. As Saif recovers, all eyes are on Kareena, who continues to stand as a pillar of strength amidst this crisis.