The shocking attack on Saif Ali Khan at his Bandra apartment early Thursday morning has left the industry reeling, and Rakhi Sawant, known for her bold and unapologetic persona, is among those voicing her concerns. The actor, who was reportedly stabbed six times, including near his neck and shoulder, was rushed to Lilavati Hospital where he underwent a five-hour surgery to remove a 2.5-inch blade piece from his spine.
But Rakhi, always the one to speak her mind, didn¡¯t hold back in her reaction. In a video that quickly went viral, the actress expressed her shock and disbelief, revealing that she had worked with Saif early in her career. "I could never have imagined, even in my wildest dreams, that something like this would happen to Saifu," she said, visibly upset.
Rakhi, who has often been at the center of controversies, raised a major point that many others were thinking. "What are the people in these buildings doing?" she asked. "You charge such high fees and still don¡¯t have basic security like CCTV cameras?" Rakhi¡¯s sharp words echoed a growing concern about the safety of celebrities, especially in high-profile buildings where security measures should be tight. ¡°What¡¯s going on in 2025? Look at what¡¯s happening to these big personalities!¡± she exclaimed, highlighting the larger issue of personal safety.
Saif¡¯s wife, Kareena Kapoor, also shared a heartfelt message on social media later in the day, requesting privacy as their family dealt with the traumatic event. ¡°It has been an incredibly challenging day for our family,¡± she wrote, asking for space and respect as they navigated this distressing moment.
As fans and celebrities alike continue to express their shock and concern over the attack, Rakhi¡¯s fiery reaction has ignited conversations about the real issues facing stars today. In a city known for its towering buildings and luxury apartments, this attack is a reminder that no amount of fame or fortune can guarantee safety in today¡¯s world.