After Mumbai Police released a CCTV photo of the suspect fleeing the scene following an attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, the man was last seen near Bandra station, and a search was launched. However, on January 17 (Friday), the police brought one individual in for questioning at the Bandra Police Station and the investigation is under process.
The footage, captured at 2:33 AM on Thursday (January 16), showed the suspect near the stairs of Khan's building. In the released image, the man was seen wearing a t-shirt, jeans, a backpack, and an orange scarf over his shoulder as he walks down the stairs, briefly looking at the camera. The photos of him have since gone viral across social media platforms.?
According to IANS, the?Mumbai Police had formed 35 teams, comprising 15 from the Crime Branch and 20 from the local police, to apprehend the suspect involved in the attack.
Khan, along with his wife Kareena Kapoor Khan and their children, resides in a spacious apartment spanning four floors in a 12-storey building in Bandra West. According to reports, one of the house helpers, Eliyama Phillipes, known as Lima, was the first to spot the intruder.
She screamed, alerting the actor and Khan confronted the man and tried to fight him off. However, during the struggle, the attacker stabbed Khan six times, injuring his left hand and neck, and leaving a knife lodged in his spine. The actor was quickly rushed to Lilavati Hospital by his son, Ibrahim.
The actor underwent a surgery to remove a 2.5-inch knife that was lodged in his back. Following the procedure, he was transferred to the ICU for further care.?
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