After hours of the attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, Mumbai Police has released a photo of the suspect caught on CCTV as he was fleeing the scene. The man is suspected of breaking into Khan's residence, stabbing the actor six times and injuring his hand, neck, and spine.
The footage, captured at 2:33 AM on Thursday (January 16), shows the suspect near the stairs of the actor's building. In the released image, he is dressed in a t-shirt and jeans, with a backpack and an orange scarf slung over his shoulder. It shows him walking down the stairs while briefly looking at the camera. The photos of him has since gone viral across all social media platforms.
The actor, along with his wife Kareena Kapoor Khan and their children, reside in a spacious apartment spread across four floors in a 12-storey building in Bandra West. Reportedly, one of the house helpers, Eliyama Phillipes, also known as Lima, was the first to spot the intruder. She screamed, which alerted the actor.?
Khan confronted the man and attempted to fight him off but during the struggle, the attacker stabbed Khan six times, injuring his left hand and neck, and leaving a knife lodged in his spine.The actor was quickly rushed to Lilavati Hospital by his son, Ibrahim.?
Doctors confirmed that Saif Ali Khan is stable and no longer in danger. "A knife lodged dangerously close to his thoracic spine was successfully removed during neurosurgery," Dr Nitin Dange, one of the neurosurgeons said.
The police have filed a case in connection with the attack, charging the suspect under sections related to robbery, trespassing, and "grievous hurt caused while committing lurking house-trespass."?
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