The horror show, The Rig, is all set to release its season 2 on OTT. The thriller series that has Iain Glen in a lead role has been created by David Macpherson. The series will be available on Prime Video starting January 2. Below are all the details related to its OTT debut and more:?
Prime Video has shared the trailer clip for the upcoming show on the social media platform X with a caption that reads, "Something¡¯s stirring on the rig, but what lies beneath? The Rig Season 2 premieres January 2."
This upcoming show has been set on the Kinloch Bravo oil rig, which is stationed in the North Sea off the coast of Scotland. The story of the show revolves around workers whose lives turn upside down when fog spreads around their ship and severs their communication. Is it a sign of a ghost presence or something else? What happens when the fog creates suspense and leads to behavioural changes in the team?
The show is based on the themes of climate change, anxiety, economic insecurity, interpersonal conflicts, and trust.
Season 2 of The Rig includes actors like Emily Hampshire, Iain Glen, Mark Bonnar, Rochenda Sandall, Calvin Demba, Abraham Popoola, Molly Vevers, Mark Addy, Nikhil Parmar and Molly Vevers among others.
The show has been directed by Alex Holn and John Strickland. It is produced by Suzanne Reid under Wild Mercury Productions and Amazon Studios.