Raksha Veeran's much-awaited thrilling drama Pothugadda has opted for a direct-to-digital release after a long delay. Onboarded with a cast comprising of newcomers, Pothugadda will premiere on ETV Win. The makers had earlier announced the release date as November 14, 2024, but due to unknown reasons, the thriller was re-scheduled as a Pongal?2025 release.
The initial announcement was made with a glimpse that perfectly caught the internet¡¯s eye.?Starring Shatru and Prasanth Karthi in the lead, Pothugadda¡¯s poster was a bird's-eye view of a highway, juxtaposing it with the image of a gun that looks large in comparison. On two other ends of the poster, a wad of notes and a flower can also be spotted.
The tagline for the film is ¡®A Tale of Love¡¯ and the official summary explains how two narratives - a love story and a political game - will run parallel. Several young actors like Vismaya Sri, Venky, Prudhvi Dandamudi and Aadvik Bandaru are all set to play key roles in this narrative. Produced by Anupama Chandra and Sharath Chandra Reddy, Rahul Shrivastav has taken the responsibility of a cinematographer.
While Shravan Bharadwaj is handling the overall music, Marcum M is composing the background score.
ETV Win has started to become home for a lot of regional content with a lot of scope and less budget. It was very recently they bought the rights to the romantic web series Leela Vinodam which is headlined by Youtube sensation and Bigg Boss Telugu 5 fame Shanmukh Jaswant. This project after several postponements will finally release on November 8, 2024.
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