Global star Priyanka Chopra is currently embracing motherhood with her 1-year-old. The actress welcomed a daughter named Malti Marie in 2022 and often shares cute pictures and videos with her. Recently PeeCee shared a video of walking down the central park with Malti and the baby enjoying the ride with her cute cooing.
For the unversed, this is the first time that the world has heard the voice of Malti as she cooed cute sounds while moving her hands and legs in excitement. Although the baby¡¯s face wasn¡¯t visible Priyanka was heard giggling repeatedly as she walked the baby on the stroller.
Priyanka captioned the video, ¡°Love our walks in Central Park.¡±
Several celebrities reacted to the video. Where Franklin Jonas posted crying emojis, Ileana D'Cruz wrote, "Ugh my heart." Kajal Aggarwal and Dia Mirza dropped red heart emojis. Several fans also jumped to adore the baby and dropped their reactions as precious as Malti. See here:-
Priyanka told Elle magazine, ¡°She¡¯s got me wrapped around her finger. I don¡¯t even know how I¡¯ll ever discipline her because I just don¡¯t have it in me. I was so close to losing her so many times that she can get away with anything and I just want to see her happy. I want her to be the happiest.¡±
¡°She¡¯s a super smiley, happy baby, and that¡¯s all my goal is¡ªto see her joyous. Every time she smiles, it lights up my world, and that¡¯s all I want to do." For the unversed, Malti Marie was born a trimester premature and spent her first 100 days in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).
She told Today Sow, ¡°This is another example of the strength that my husband has. I kind of shut down. When we heard this, I didn¡¯t know how to react. I remember he just held me by my shoulders, and I said, ¡®Just tell me what to do because I don¡¯t know what to do.¡¯ And he¡¯s like, ¡®Just get into the car with me.¡¯ And we drove to the hospital. She was born, and from the moment she took her first breath to now, she¡¯s never been without one of us, ever.''
Priyanka was last seen in The Russo Brothers¡¯ Citadel and is currently in US theatres with the romantic comedy-drama Love Again with Sam Heughan and Celine Dion. The film will release in India on May 12.
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