Apple CEO Tim Cook visited Mumbai to launch the first Apple store in the city's Jio World Drive Mall, owned by the Ambanis. During his visit, he met with Bollywood actor Madhuri Dixit, who introduced him to the famous Mumbai street food, Vada Pao.?
In the picture, Tim Cook can be seen dressed in a simple white t-shirt, while Madhuri wore a pink kurta.
Madhuri shared the sweetest moment by captioning the picture: "Can¡¯t think of a better welcome to Mumbai than Vada Pav!"?
Cook, a vegetarian, wrote: "Thanks @madhuridixit for introducing me to my very first Vada Pav ¡ª it was delicious!"
Tim Cook visited the Ambani family at their residence, Antilla, earlier in the day. Paparazzi snapped photos of him leaving the building with Akash Ambani at the gate, dropping him off.
Meanwhile, Tim had tweeted upon reaching India, "Hello, Mumbai! We can¡¯t wait to welcome our customers to the new Apple BKC tomorrow."?
Tim Cook will reportedly travel to Delhi on Thursday to unveil another Apple store in Saket, following the launch of the Jio World Drive Mall outlet in Mumbai.?
According to ANI, the Mumbai and Delhi stores will open at 11 a.m. and 10 a.m., respectively. Due to the pandemic, Apple¡¯s plans to open physical stores in India were postponed, and Cook launched the company¡¯s first online store in India in 2020.?
Meanwhile, Madhuri Dixit, who met Cook in Mumbai, was last seen in the 2022 Prime Video film Maja Ma.
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