SS Rajamouli's RRR has made a mark at both domestic and international box offices. The movie has broken several records and is still continuing to do so. RRR, which stars Ram Charan, JR NTr and Alia Bhatt in the lead roles, has already collected over Rs 1200 crore globally.?
And according to reports, the SS Rajamouli film has overtaken Aamir Khan's record-breaking 2009 rom-com movie 3 Idiots in terms of box office collections in Japan.?
As per the media outlet, Rajamouli's RRR has managed to collect around Rs 10.3 crores from theatres within three weeks, since its release in Japan overtaking Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan¡¯s blockbuster movie 3 Idiots, which had previously earned around Rs. 9.51 crores (JPY 170 million).?
The film Muthu collected the highest among the Indian films in Japan with a record JYP 400 million. Now it is to be seen if SS Rajamouli's RRR can break its record in the coming days.?
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