Kartik Aaryan has shared an adorable video capturing his mother Mala Tiwari's reaction to not being able to secure tickets for his latest film Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 due to sold-out shows. The film, directed by Anees Bazmee and also starring Triptii Dimri, Madhuri Dixit, and Vidya Balan, had a Diwali release and opened to blockbuster numbers at box office.?
The Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 craze has overtaken movie theatres, with tickets selling like hotcakes. On Sunday (November 3), Kartik took to his Instagram account to share a video of his mother, Mala Tiwari, attempting to book tickets for his latest release. She breaks into a rant as she fails to secure tickets due to sold-out shows on BookMyShow. Along with the video, he captioned, "Mummy ko bhi nahi mil rahi tickets. So happy to have this problem."
Extra shows added for Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3
Despite a clash with Rohit Shetty's cop thriller Singham Again, Kartik Aaryan's film is doing wonders at the box office. Following an immense fan frenzy, film distributors have added late-night shows for the horror comedy. Kartik shared on his Instagram story that three extra shows of 1 am, 3 am, and 6 am for Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 were added at the Maxus Cinemas in Bhayandar (Maharashtra) on November 2 on public demand. Expressing his feelings about the same, the actor wrote, ¡°AUDIENCE IS EVERYTHING.¡±??
Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 enters 100-crore club
The latest installment in the horror-comedy franchise has fans going gaga globally. The latest report on industry tracker Sacnilk states that the film has crossed the benchmark of?100 crore globally, minting ? 107 crore at the worldwide box office within 2 days of its release. The film raked in ? 55.30 crore on its opening day globally.
Following an overwhelming reception to his film, Kartik described his journey as an Indian dream.
In a recent interview with?India Today, Kartik stated that audiences view his journey as an Indian dream. He explained, ¡°My audience sees my success as an Indian dream they can relate to. They relate to my journey, my ups and downs, in a very personal way. That is something which I have realised because there are lots of actors, and people, who are not from this profession, they too relate to my journey in a way. And there is no manipulation around this. That's the relatability factor. Somewhere, I feel that they think that he is one of us.¡±
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