Singing reality show Indian Idol is one of the longest-running talent shows in India. It started airing in 2004 and is currently in its 14th season. The ongoing season is being judged by Shreya Ghoshal, Kumar Sanu and Vishal Dadlani. Recently, Amit Sana who was the 1st runner up of the show's first season has hurled some shocking accusations.
While talking to Siddharth Kanan, Amit shared that everything turned towards Abhijeet after actress Shilpa Shetty talked about Abhijeet¡¯s infectious smile. He continued, "A lot of things changed after that. He was taken seriously after that". Accusing the channel, Amit said, "My voting lines got blocked out two days before the last day. It doesn¡¯t get blocked on its own."
He expressed, ¡°A lot of people say that there was some political influence involved during that period of time but that¡¯s all just heresy. I haven¡¯t researched it on my own.¡± For the unversed, Abhijeet joined Shiv Sena in 2013 when the party was standing in elections in alliance with Bharatiya Janata Party.
It was in 2021 when the former-winner told Bollywood Life, "Duration of extra elements used to be short at our time. But more relevance is being given to these elements today. They must give challenging work to the contestants. When you work more on other elements, the level of singing goes down. This is my biggest issue or concern. We must spend more time on singing.¡±
He was also asked about the love affairs in Indian Idol season 11, to which he said, "Every such element was fake in season 11, I have no clue about this season. We need to balance such creative ideas with singing. We must be famous because of our singing and not because of these stories."?
Abhijeet gave this interview soon after Kishore Kumar¡¯s son Amit Kumar had accused makers of prompting the judges about what they have to say.
Reacting to his accusations, Abhijeet had told TOI, ¡°I feel if Amit Kumar ji would have even once mentioned that he is not liking the content, singing or the show can be done in a better way, I am sure the creative team would have definitely listened to him. He is such a renowned singer of our country and he is in that position where he can communicate to the makers what he is feeling.¡±
¡°I don¡¯t think it is right to speak after the episode has aired."
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