As India celebrated Independence Day yesterday, Bollywood buffs lost a gem who had been suffering from lung and heart disorders. Yesteryear actress Vidya Singh, who was known for her roles in movies like Pati, Patni Aur Woh, Chhoti Si Baat and Rajnigandha breathed her last yesterday at 71. She was hospitalised after she complained of breathlessness and was soon put on ventilator.
Vidya Sinha began her career with modelling. She was spotted by Basu Chatterjee. She was crowned as Miss Bombay. She fell in love and married her neighbour Venkateshwaran Iyer in 1968 much before she made her movie debut.
Basu Chatterjee¡¯s Rajnigandha, which released in 1974, gave her the name and fame she rightfully deserved. It is said that Iyer encouraged her to take up the role, where she played the role of a young student, who is torn between her current boyfriend (Amol Palekar also in his debut) and a past romance (Dinesh Thakur), both starkly different in outlook and personalities.
As the space for middle class stories shrunk in the '80s, Sinha left the spotlight. In her later years, she was seen in a small role in Salman Khan's Bodyguard. She also featured in TV shows including Kkavyanjali, Qubool Hai, Chandra Nandini and Kullfi Kumarr Bajewala.