International celebrity Priyanka Chopra Jonas has finally given a hint about her upcoming Bollywood project. The star teased her fans with the possibility of her return to Bollywood in the coming year. Priyanka, who has been doing many international shows and films, gave the hint while attending the Red Sea Film Festival. She said she is on the verge of signing a new Bollywood movie.
Priyanka, while giving a hint towards her upcoming work in India, said the country has always been in her heart and shared that she is very close to doing one film next year in India and asked her fans to keep their fingers crossed.?
While having a conversation with Variety, Priyanka said her wish is for projects that push her creative boundaries. She shared she is on the lookout for filmmakers who can challenge her to dig deep.
These comments by Priyanka come at the time when fans are excited to see her return to Hindi movies. Her last project in India was the Hindi-language movie The Sky Is Pink.
Well, fans got excited earlier this year with the rumours around Priyanka's upcoming Bollywood project, Jee Le Zaraa. The film, said to be directed by Farhan Akhtar, was set to feature Priyanka alongside actresses Alia Bhatt and Katrina Kaif. But there is no news on the film's progress so far.
Priyanka Chopra continues to make headlines internationally with upcoming projects like Heads of State and The Bluff. Priyanka's Citadel is also ready to be released soon with fresh episodes.