Late Kannada star Puneeth Rajkumar's docudrama 'Gandhada Gudi' which highlights Karnataka's natural abundance was released on Friday, October 28, 2022.?
Many fans and celebrities attended the premiere of the film and took to social media to share their thoughts on the Puneeth Rajkumar starrer and watch him for one last time on the big screen.Gandhada Gudi has been directed by Amoghavarsha.?
It's teaser was unveiled last year in the month of December. Presented by PRK Productions and Mudskipper, the docudrama features Puneeth Rajkumar and Amoghavarsha together exploring nature, wildlife, and the majestic beauty in Karnataka.?
¡°An incredible journey of discovery with the legend, Appu sir himself! Gandhadagudi is a dream, an ode, a prayer. A heartfelt applause to the entire team for delivering this gem to us in such a spectacular way,¡± actor-director Rakshit Shetty said in his post.
Director Anup Bhandari also expressed his feeling about the project and said that watching the movie was like resuming the last conversation with the late actor.?
"For those who¡¯ve known him personally, it¡¯s like resuming our last conversation. For those who¡¯ve admired the superstar, it¡¯s a peek into who he really was. An experience beyond reviews & ratings. #Appusir lives on!Kudos #Amoghavarsha & team @Ashwini_PRK,"? Bhandari wrote on the micro-blogging site.? ?
Check out the video here:?
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