Makers of a Hindi short comedy film are facing a complaint for allegedly disrespecting Lord Jagannath and Goddess Narayani and hurting the sentiments of the Odia people, police said on Saturday, according to a report shared by PTI.?
The 20-minute-long film has been directed by Nina Srivastava and was released in 2019. Reports suggest that the film imparts a social message on sanitary napkins.?
According to Debiprasad's complaint, the film showcases a mosquito, whose name is Jagannath in a scene that had a dialogue that referred to the mosquito in derogatory words.?
Moreover, the narrator of the film discloses her name as Narayani, the widow of the mosquito named Jagannath. Debiprasad in his complaint has also alleged that some dialogues uttered by the narrator were unbearable.?
Debiprasad Dash went on to add that he was awaiting police action in the case and, if necessary, he would even drag the filmmakers to court.This is not the first time filmmakers are facing a complaint for allegedly portraying Gods in poor light. Recently, filmmaker Leena Manimekalai faced criticism and complaints over her documentary film showcasing Goddess Kaali smoking a cigarette on its poster.?
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