Deepika Padukone's recent red carpet appearance at the Cannes Film Festival 2022 turned out to be quite painful, not only for her but also for the audience to watch her struggle with the dress.?
The elaborate orange gown was troubling her so much that after every few steps, she had to pause and adjust her dress. While some people sympathised with her, there were others who were in spilts. Some even questioned the designer and her choice to not wear an easy and comfortable dress.
Without further ado, take a look at the videos below.?
"Designer must have lost his Job", wrote a fan.?
"Can we appreciate the fact that she single-handedly carried the entire outfit??" said another one.?
"When they can't manage why do they wear such dresses. That too with a long tail. It's so embarrassing and make fun of themselves," said the other one.
Deepika Padukone who is one of the nine jury members at the Cannes Film Festival 2022 said that she is truly having a great time. "The festival management seem so convinced about why they made that decision. It makes me sit back and think sometimes maybe I¡¯ve not given myself enough credit. And that¡¯s okay too, because, I don¡¯t want to be feeling like, like this huge achievement or whatever. If I¡¯ve landed here today, without even realizing it, I must be doing something right. And therefore, I don¡¯t want to think too much about what led me to come here," she was quoted as saying by Variety.?
During the inauguration of the India Pavilion, Deepika Padukone said, ¡°India is at the cusp of greatness, this is just the beginning...there will come a day I truly believe where India won't have to be at Cannes, but Cannes will be in India.¡±??
She added, "I cannot begin to explain the amount of nervousness I feel. The only thing that gets me through that thought is the fact that I go back to remember why I started this journey. It is because all of us heard a story we really wanted to say, a story about a man whose achievements moved us and the world didn¡¯t know about. That being the only truth and strength that I have today."
What's your thoughts on Deepika Padukone's orange dress and her struggle to walk in it on the Cannes Film Festival's red carpet? Let us know in the comment section below.?