As fans are getting daily pandal videos of Bollywood actress Kajol celebrating Durga Puja in Mumbai, Reddit users have pointed out an observation that caught their attention more than her saree this time. It was Kajol pinching husband Ajay Devgn for a public hug while giving pictures to cameramen. In the recently shared video on Reddit that is from a Durga Puja pandal, this gesture by Kajol looked as if Kajol is forcing Ajay for a public display of affection.
Kajol Pinching Ajay to Put Hand Around Her
byu/bollyfanboi inBollyBlindsNGossip
Fans are basically saying that Kajol forced Ajay into her hug while they were posing with their son, and Ajay looked upset. People online said Ajay Devgn looked like he was in a bad mood, and their son too understood it.?
One of the Reddit users wrote, "The kid knows mood kharab hai ajay ka. kid¡¯s face fell a bit when he saw kajol nudging ajay."
Another user wrote, "The most desi thing ever. Having a kalesh before the guests come home or going outside, lol."
One user who found the video funny wrote, "This is hilarious but also kind of sad. Why didn¡¯t she just tell him?"
One of Bollywood's adorable couples is Kajol and Ajay Devgn. The duo have been married for over 20 years now and are often admired for their balance of fun and seriousness in their relationship.?
This isn't the first time the duo has made headlines for their public interactions, but this candid moment has certainly fuelled a fresh wave of speculations and also admiration at the same time.
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