Social media influencer and actor Kusha Kapila has been in the news for some time for her work and for the negative rumours that followed her divorce from husband Zorawar Ahluwalia last year. Now, in an emotional conversation, Kusha's mother, Rita Kapila, on Be A Parent Yaar, hosted on We Are Yuvaa¡¯s YouTube channel, has shared how the separation affected their family.
Rita Kapila, talking about the challenges, said the things that have happened to her in the last two years have made her very strong. She said she was moved by her daughter¡¯s vulnerability. Kusha's mother said, "It was tough, but it¡¯s okay. Vohi baat hai, kuch toh log kahenge, unka kaam hai kehna."
Kusha, too, while attending the interview, spoke about facing public scrutiny after being labelled a gold digger and even a cheater by many. She said she was most concerned about how the ordeal would affect her mother.?
One of the YouTuber users said, "A very real and heartwarming conversation between Kusha and her mum... loved it absolutely. How nice of them to agree to do this interview... "
Another user wrote, "Kusha you are the best.... But are the inspiration.... U have achieved whatever in your life is by yourself.... That is commendable.... Keep going."
One more commenter who loved the interview wrote, "This was one hell of a teary episode. Felt like my mom talking to me. I wish there were such a platform for common people like us."
Kusha Kapila announced her separation from Zorawar Ahluwalia. Kusha made the news public via her Instagram account. In her statement, she informed her followers that it has been a while since they parted ways and added that she will continue to co-parent their dog Maya.
The post read, ¡°Zorawar and I have mutually decided to part ways. This hasn¡¯t been an easy decision by any measure, but we know it¡¯s the right one at this point in our lives."