Veer Pahariya made his Bollywood debut with the talked-about film Sky Force recently and he has been making headlines for various reasons. To tell you about the latest one, Veer was seen dancing at the film¡¯s screening in a viral video but as soon as the video surfaced people started talking about how he is being ignored by people sitting in the audience. People on the internet said that the audience gave him a very cold reaction despite seeing who he was.?
In the video shared by pap Manav Manglani, Veer Pahariya was seen dancing alone at first and a few seconds later he was joined by a person sitting in the theater. As soon as the video went viral, people took to the comment section and said that people majorly ignored him despite his ¡®star status.¡¯
?One wrote, ¡°Who is veer pahariya ? He also knows may be he is not that popular.¡±
?Another commented, ¡°This Veer Pahariya Guy has spent more money in the last 2 months on PR than lifetime collections of average bollywood movies.¡±
?A third commented, ¡°He should have been told dont spoil the theatre experience of the audience. not everyone enjoys the theatrics in a theatre.¡±
Sky Force, which is directed by Abhishek Anil Kapur and Sandeep Kewlani, is partially based on the 1965 Indo-Pakistani air war strike on Pakistan's Sargodha airbase. In addition to Akshay Kumar and Veer Pahariya, Sara Ali Khan and Sharad Kelkar play important parts, and Nimrat Kaur makes a brief appearance.
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