From Shah Rukh Khan to Salman Khan, the entire Bollywood clan was seen queuing up at polling booths to exercise their right to vote in the fifth phase of Lok Sabha Elections 2024. While fans were praising for B-town stars for turning up in large numbers,?Gauahar Khan on the other hand was getting massively trolled. She is still facing the heat for her rant against the authorities. Here's what happened.?
At first,?Gauahar Khan had apparently reached the wrong polling booth to cast her vote. In a video doing the rounds, she was seen talking about how things were "very confusing" and "badly organised". Later, she revealed that she was able to vote but at another booth. She said that the?confusion happened because her name on the voter list was enrolled at her old address.?
"People who have left the building are still on that list. I have seen it myself. And if I, my mom, my husband, everyone is registered on that building¡. none of us are there. So how does one vote? We go with our Aadhar card, Id proof and they say, 'No you cannot vote'," she said.?In a rant video, she said that Aadhaar card should be allowed for voting as it is a proof of citizenship.?Furthermore, taking to her Instagram Stories, she wrote, "I have an appeal. Why do we have Aadhaar cards if we are not considered citizens enough to vote? Your Aadhaar card is your identity that you are an Indian citizen and you should be able to vote with that."
Also Read:?Gauahar Khan Slams Justin Bieber, Hailey Bieber For Mocking 'Fasting During Ramzan'
"Gauahar Khan is outraging bcos she wasn't allowed to vote with her Aadhar card a polling station where her name is not registered.Sometimes it's better to stay silent than expose your IQ level by opening your mouth," a Twitter user said.
"Gauahar Khan slammed polling booth authorities for not allowing her to vote with Aadhar card, claims had earlier voted for Bigg Boss without any ID Card," said another user.?"102-year-old lady from Dindigul votes without any fuss using Voter ID.Celebrity Gauahar Khan goes out to vote with the Aadhaar card and complains about poorly organized and confusing... Their struggle is real.." said another user.
Also Read:?Uss Waqt Mera Character Bohot Dheela Tha', Sajid Khan Had Once Said On Split With Gauahar Khan
"Mohtarma @GAUAHAR_KHAN Seems you went to vote for first time & unware of process.a) #AadhaarCard for identificationb) #VoteIdCard for voting - MANDATORYFor voting, you need both. However you can use another proof for identity (passport etc).Shame on you for not knowing this!," wrote a user.
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